
Due to site updates, we are currently closed for all new orders until the 1st of April. This closure will not affect all our existing orders and trade customers. During this period, our phones may be affected. Please feel free to email us with all your questions. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.


The Instrument Cluster Repair Specialist, Cluster Repairs UK

Email : [email protected]

Phone : 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

Frequently Asked Questions

General Terms & Conditions

"Our customers' happiness is the key to our success"

General Terms and Conditions.

These General Terms and Conditions are valid for both private customers (according to Section 17 of the United Kingdom Civil Code) and business customers (according to Section 13 of the United Kingdom Civil Code). Cluster Repairs UK services, deliveries, provision and quotes are made exclusively in line with the General Terms and Conditions as stated in this document.

This also holds true for all future transactions with private and business customers, even without explicit separate references. These General Terms and Conditions will be considered accepted once an order has been confirmed with Cluster Repairs UK and our order acceptance form is filled in and dispatched with goods.

Further conditions stipulated by the customer are not permitted. This regulation holds for the duration of the business contract between Cluster Repairs UK and the customer and requires no reiteration by Cluster Repairs UK, even after the order is placed.

Deviation from these General Terms and Conditions only then come into effect when they have been in writing by Cluster Repairs UK.

In these Conditions:

(a) "Customer" shall mean the person, firm or company that enters into a contract of repair services, carriage or other services with the Company.

(b) "Contract" shall mean the contracted services between the customer and the servicer which shall be deemed to be incorporated into these Conditions and confirmed by completion of servicers order acceptance form.

(c) "Servicer" Unicorn Automotive Ltd t/a Cluster Repairs UK.

(d) "Consignment" shall mean goods contained in one parcel or any number of separate parcels or goods on a pallet or any number of pallets sent at one time to us or return back to an individual customer.

1. Service range.

1.1. The Servicer repairs digital and analogue instrument clusters, speedometers, Acc climate control units, onboard computers, factory navigation units and other dashboard instruments.

1.2. The responsibility of installing or removing shipped electronic parts with the contract remains with the customer. Any costs incurred from such activities will not be assumed by the servicer.

1.3. Should the customer so desire the servicer to carry out the installation and removal of parts, this will be at the customer’s expense. Removal and refit of any parts must be carried out at the servicer’s premises. The minimum removal and refit fee is £20, dependent of the type and model of vehicle within the contract. Estimates of work to be carried out can be obtained from the servicer before commencement of removal and refit of contracted services.

1.4. Should the servicer find damaged parts or equipment during any contracted services by a third party, servicer reserves the right to demand payment from the customer for extra parts or labour charges. Should such additional services deemed necessary, the customer is obliged to formally place an order as stipulated in section 2.2 before any repairs are carried out.

2. Contract and estimate.

2.1. The servicer’s quotes are binding unless stipulated by confirmation of new contract confirmation.

2.2. All contracts are deemed as binding when the customer completes and signs the servicer’s official order acceptance form. This form can be located at the bottom left of servicers website, www.clusterrepairsuk.co.uk . This form should be sent alongside the component which is intended to be repaired by the servicer.

2.3. The final price can differ from the price indicated within the contract. In cases where extra labour is necessary or additional parts are required by the servicer due to incorrect fault symptoms given by customer to servicer or parts within contract are found to be tampered with by a third party, the price may increase. If this is the case, customer will be informed by phone, fax or in person and a new contract for any additional work will be completed by customer before any further work is undertaken by the servicer. The changing of any failed light bulbs within contracted part, where necessary, requires no further agreement and will be billed separately.

2.4. Estimates of repair costs and any diagnostic work entail charges for the customer. These charges will be included within repair quote agreed by customer and servicer, confirmed by contract. If the contracted work increases due to unforeseen circumstances as mentioned in section 2.3 and the customer wishes not to proceed, a minimum charge of £39.95 will be billed to the customer. This charge includes the current UK rate of VAT @ 20% and standard next day delivery charges. If the item within the contract exceeds 2kg, the bill will increase by £12.99 +vat. Delivery charges can also be decreased if the customer opts for a lower standard of delivery. The minimum Test Fee charge will also be applicable if the contracted repair to the servicer cannot be repaired due to previous tamper by a third party or be damaged beyond repair due to external voltage surges i.e. jump starting and neighbouring part failure or water/fire damage.

3. Shipment/turnaround of contracted goods.

3.1. Once contracted goods are received by the servicer they are fully inspected and checked for any damages incurred via transit. If any damages have incurred via transit from customer to servicer, the customer will be notified within 24 hours. The servicer assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred during shipping. All shipping takes place at the customers own risk. If the servicer is able to repair or supply replacement parts for those that have been damaged in transit a new contract will be raised. See section 2.3.

3.2. The servicer endeavours to complete all contracted work within 24 hours. On average 90% of all instrument cluster parts are completed within 24 hours of receiving the goods from the customer. The further 10% of repairs are completed and returned within 72 hours. In some cases where additional none contracted work is found by servicer or further parts are required, the customer will be notified via phone and a new term will be agreed verbally. Other parts such as climate control units, navigation units and other dashboard parts repair time will be confirmed prior to dispatch via phone from customer to servicer. Dispatch of good from customer to servicer with contract included confirms acceptance of the repair timescale by servicer.

3.3 Once servicer has completed contracted work the customer will be contacted with payment request. Payment for all contracted work must be made prior to any shipment to customer. All shipments are tracked and guaranteed. Insurance value is up to a standard rate of £500 on all special delivery items. If customer wishes for a higher value this must be entered within special highlighted area within contract. If the customer opts for lower standard of delivery i.e. Recorded Delivery option, the maximum insurance value remains at £40.

3.4 The servicer takes no responsibility for lost, delayed or stolen goods during transit. Although all assistance will be given by servicer, if a case like this arises, all insurance claim steps have to be made by the customer as this is an obligatory request by the servicers shipping provider.

3.5 Final invoice of contracted work must be paid within 14 days of issuing. The servicer will contact customer via phone, email or fax if necessary. If final invoice is not paid within 14 days, the servicer has the right to dispose of goods. All contact attempts to the customer will be logged through the contracted repair process.

4. Contracted goods warranty.

4.1. All contracted repaired goods are warranted for a minimum of 24 months unless stated otherwise on completed invoice and warranty document provided by servicer to customer. A final paid invoice and warranty document will be provided at the end of all contracted completed work in person or within return goods package. Any warranty length changes must be queried within 14 days of accepted contracted services. Original contracted invoice and intact warranty seals to contracted repaired parts are essential to any warranty claim. Servicers Warranty is only applicable to the customer name or any company on the contracted invoice and is non transferable between vehicles or customers.

4.2. If a warranty request is needed to be exercised within the term period, the customer must contact the servicer within the warranty term. If the contracted work was completed via the mail order option, the servicer will provide a 3 month cover of postage costs from the customer to servicer and back to the customer from the date of invoice issued. After 3 months of goods accepted, all postage costs must be covered by the customer. If the contracted work was carried out onsite at servicer’s location and addition removal and refit charges were contracted, these additional removal and refit charges carry a warranty for 6 months from the date of final payment of the contract.

4.3. The servicer covers all parts which have been previously repaired by the servicer back to a manufacturer’s original working condition. All labour and parts charges to the contracted repaired item, are fully covered by the servicer. If within the warranty period, a warranty is exercised by the customer and the servicer finds the contracted part deemed un-repairable, the servicer will provide a fully operational replacement or refund the contracted repair amount in full. Factors which deemed the unit un-repairable and which are not covered under the warranty include but are not limited to: fire damage, water damage, over voltage by neighbouring part, defect resulting after jump starting, improper use of contracted part, use in an application where the part was never intended. Refunds are applicable to customer who can provide original contracted invoice.

4.4. The servicer requests the opportunity to repair any fault through the servicers warranty process. If the contracted part cannot be returned to the servicer by the customer, in these situations each case will be looked at on an individual basis. Proof of further work carried out by a third party to the contracted part to achieve a working unit or an invoice if the part was replaced may be requested by the servicer.

5. Contracted withdrawal clause.

5.1 The customer has the right to withdraw an order with no further justification. This withdrawal request must be made either in writing (letter, fax, email) or by returning the goods concerned, within 14 days. This withdrawal clause period begins from the date of contracted work completion or receipt of goods via delivery. The withdrawal request should be sent to: Cluster Repairs UK, M25 Business Centre, 121 Brooker Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1JH. Email: [email protected] . Fax: 01493 852263. If the withdrawal is accepted, all payments by both parties will be refunded.

5.2. All withdrawal clause claims must adhere to the servicer’s Terms and Conditions.

"Our customers' happiness is the key to our success"

If you have any queries about any section of our Terms and Conditions, please call us and we will be more than happy to assist you.