
Due to site updates, we are currently closed for all new orders until the 1st of April. This closure will not affect all our existing orders and trade customers. During this period, our phones may be affected. Please feel free to email us with all your questions. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.


The Instrument Cluster Repair Specialist, Cluster Repairs UK

Email : [email protected]

Phone : 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

Volvo V70 (GEN2) Parking sensor controller.

Common faults

  • Parking sensors intermittent.
  • Some or all sensors not working.
  • Sensor errors stored in ECU.
  • No communication with controller.

Cluster repair UK offer a full test, repair and rebuild service on the Volvo V70 Parking sensor controller backed with warranties from 12 to 36 months.

Your instrument cluster will not lose any data. You will not need to re-code the unit once you receive it backed repaired from us. Just plug and play.

Prices start at as little as £40 + return p+p.

Please give one of our friendly staff a call to discuss the exact issues with your instrument cluster.

Once your unit has been booked in please send us a order acceptance form with your repair.

Volvo V70 (GEN2) Parking sensor controller.
start process