The Instrument Cluster Repair Specialist, Cluster Repairs UK

Email : [email protected]

Phone : 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

Viewing 1 models for Spyder Combiocorsa

  • Maserati Spyder Combiocorsa petrol Mph dials.

    Maserati Spyder Combiocorsa petrol Mph dials. 200 Mph/320 Kmh, 8000rpm rev counter. This dial will convert an imported vehicle from Kmh to Mph to meet the necessary legal requirements for the UK.

    Part no: C490

    Price: £149.95

    CALL TO ENQUIRE/ORDER: 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

    Before ordering please read these important "Dial Ordering Options"